This is one of these activities, " clothes for smiles". It is a common proposal with Novak Djokovic who is a famous tennis player in the world. It has fund of a million from sales of Heattech and Ultralightdown.
One way to use the fund is giving children in the world dreams. For example, it did that giving children shopping experiences in Serbia. It established a special shop in Serbia and children could choose which clothes they want and get it. This has two goals that let children know that they can whoever they image as aspect of psychology, and giving them clothes for living as aspect of physical.
The another way to use the fund is volunteer with UNICEF. For example, it is used for the activity that making a school for children in Bangladeshi.
Another activity is support activity
for an earthquake, 311, in Japan.
It opened a store in the affected area
where doesn't have a rehabilitation,
does volunteer with NGO and contributes
clothes which valuable 3.3 millions.